Afrique Créative – Closing of the 2nd edition in Rabat

Of November 16 to 19, 2022 the winners of the 2nd edition of Afrique Créative met one last time in Rabat (Morocco) on the sidelines of the Visa For Music festival, worn by Brahim El Mazned, winner of the 1st edition of the program – the circle is complete!

The program for the closing event was rich and varied: dedicated workshops, conferences, concerts, reception, stands, etc.

The closing event of phase 2 of Afrique Créative had a double objective: 

  1. Bringing together entrepreneurs during interactive workshops and moments of discussion 
  2. Generate interest in the cultural and creative industries

A varied program integrated into the Visa For Music festival

Afrique Créative was an integral part of the Visa For Music festival. On this occasion, an Afrique Créative stand was present on the festival market. This stand made it possible to highlight the program and the entrepreneurs who were also able to meet professionals, discuss and pitch their project.

A round table dedicated to Afrique Créative was also organized under the dome of the Palais Tazi in Rabat on the theme: “Triggering investment in CCIs in Africa – Diversification of financing sources and modalities”. The evening of the round table Saintrick (creative mentor of Biibop and musician) dedicated his concert to Afrique Créative.

A reception was also organized at the France residence in honor of the Afrique Créative winners. It was an opportunity for the winners to present their offers and products on tables provided at the residence.

For the last day of this closing event, the Afrique Créative winners were able to visit the city of Rabat. On the program: the Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, the Hassa district, the Medina of Rabat and a lunch on the roof of a Riyadh in the Medina.

Workshops dedicated to entrepreneurs to assess the program

Two workshops dedicated to Creative Africa were organized in partnership with Bidaya (SAE partner on the 2th edition of the program) in a room made available by the IF of Rabat:

  • 1st workshop: final diagnosis and change trajectories
  • 2nd workshop: pitch and perspectives

Some comments from entrepreneurs on the event in Rabat:

“This was so memorable and has left a mark in my life – Through the unforgettable workshops, deep-dives, tours and music exchange with artists that we had.” Andrew Ahuurra, Quad-A

“Incredible times! A warm welcome and perfect organization. The positive group dynamic helped strengthen bonds. The local teams took an individual interest in each of our profiles and projects, with interesting and interactive workshops. Choosing Rabat during the Visa For Music allowed us to meet people and strengthen our network. » Awa Girard Diop, Deed Development

Throughout this week, a photo and video team was able to follow the entrepreneurs. Below is the video filmed in Rabat which allows us to revisit the genesis of the program and to better understand the implementation consortium and the winners. Good viewing !

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