Afrique Créative, a multi-actor consortium serving cultural and creative entrepreneurship! 

The Afrique Créative consortium brings together a diverse team of passionate actors, all committed to cultural and creative entrepreneurship. Each member brings their expertise and knowledge of the field to ensure the success of the program. But then, who are the key members of the consortium and what are their roles? 

  • Africalia : As leader of the consortium, Africalia is responsible for the general coordination of the Afrique Créative program. Based in Brussels (Belgium), this association works with artists and cultural organizations active in various contemporary artistic disciplines and present in both Africa and Belgium.
    – Coordinators: Sam Wijnants & Marine Berginiat  
    – Director: Dorine Rurashitse 
  • Bayimba Foundation : Bayimba is a cultural production structure based in Kampala (Uganda). It has a very extensive network in the local cultural sector and has supported creative initiatives (festivals, workshops, individual artists or creative collectives) for around fifteen years. Its in-depth knowledge of the ICC sector and its large network of stakeholders are essential assets in the implementation of Afrique Créative. 
    – Point of contact & Director: Faisal Kiwewa 

  • I&P Conseil : I&P Conseil is the branch dedicated to consulting and training of the Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) group, an impact investment group entirely dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the African continent. Based in Paris (France), I&P provides valuable expertise in investment and financial support as part of the Afrique Créative program.  
    – Point of contact: Alice Petetin & Rasmey Chhun  
    – Director: Marianne Vidal Marin 

  • Zhu Culture : Zhu Culture is a cultural engineering consulting company based in Dakar (Senegal) and which has experience and knowledge of the ICC sector for more than 20 years. Zhu Culture supports numerous artists and is regularly contacted by African creative organizations. His in-depth expertise on ICC issues is essential for the good coordination of Afrique Créative. 
    -Point of contact & Director: Luc Mayitoukou 
  • Tshimologong : The latest addition to the team, Tshimologong joins the Afrique Créative consortium for this third edition. Based in Johannesburg (South Africa), Tshimologong is a technology innovation hub within Wits University. His expertise on themes related to animation, video games, virtual reality and digital arts is a real added value for Afrique Créative. 
    – Point of contact: Erika Denis 
    – Director: Lesley Donna Williams 

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