Bootcamp 2: a focus on scaling up

During the first session, Marc Bénaïche shared with the Afrique Créative cohort his experience as a cultural entrepreneur and more specifically thehuman and financial issues linked to a significant fundraising from an investment fund. Building on his successes but also the obstacles he encountered, he gave keys and tools to the group in order to best manage the growth of their structures. The assessment he draws is very positive: “The discussions were rich, informative and led the participants to ask themselves new questions about good management practices. »

Yann Nsangue Akwa then moderated the session “ Scale-up strategies » This session made them realize that there are a variety of scaling strategies and that it is essential to opt for a strategy that fits with the company's vision. For Yann it is “the heterogeneity of the cohort which promotes the rise in skills of entrepreneurs”. He adds : “I was able to see that this diversity not only allows them to position themselves but also to assume their vision and their development strategies, realizing that there are several ways to scale up and set up a business. »

Thanks to its virtual format, other members of the entrepreneur team were able to take part in the bootcamp, particularly during the session “Investment readiness” hosted by I&P. Entrepreneurs as well as their administrative and financial managers were able to learn more, thanks to a theoretical contribution consequent and practical case studies, financial questions linked to raising funds from investors.

Finally, the week ended with a session facilitated by Caleb Owino focused on the theme trajectories of change : in subgroups, the participants looked back on their journey, the lessons learned, the obstacles encountered and their development priorities. According to Caleb: “The idea of focus groups was very useful giving participants the right framework to think about their goals and get feedback from like-minded entrepreneurs.”

The participants left this bootcamp in digital format satisfied and with their heads full of these meetings too. instructive that motivating. Company members Sébastien Bazemo as evidenced by: “The content offered corresponds well to the stage of advancement of our companies, each being complementary and very rich. We were captivated and reassured to know that even the speakers had trajectories that were not always linear and ascending and that learning never stops.”

It is therefore with renewed energy that entrepreneurs begin their last quarter of incubation!

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